Everyone has a food that they just can't stop eating. Be it ice cream, dark chocolate covered almonds, apples, potato wedges, fried chicken, or baby carrots. Everyone is different. A lot of foods have functions that they can do to the body. Some for worse, some for the best. Whether it's improving your cholesterol, combating diabetes, help you lose weight, fight cancer or give you energy. Eating is an everyday part of our lives. We can't go about our day completing our real estate training or working at a car manufacturing plant without food. We need that food nutrient to keep us going.

It also turns out that there are certain foods that not only energize us but that can make us smarter. You've probably heard someone at your 761 Bay Street condo association mention the term brain food when talking about a certain food they ate. The phrase brain food is pretty common. We might not actually know if there is such a thing as brain food or what those brain foods are but that doesn't stop your anger management London counsellor from not believing that they exist. There are even experts out there who claim there are super foods that can actually make your brain healthy and smart.

You might be wondering to yourself what some of those brain foods actually are. So, how about you stop multi-tasking and put down those house plans and focus on this article? Then go out, buy some of the brain foods we mention, and then go back to multi-tasking. When looking at brain foods you want to be eating foods that are high in certain nutrients and vitamins. Foods that are made up of specific types of nutrients have been known to impact your mood, memory and alertness. Those nutrients are antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, the B Vitamins family, Iron, and Vitamin E.

You can find a whole lot of foods that have either one or more of those nutrients. Blueberries are high in antioxidants, as is green tea. Salmon is a rich source of Omega 3-fatty acids. Different types of B Vitamins can be found in eggs, spinach, or whole wheat bread. If you're looking for foods high in iron, then eat some broccoli or lentils. Your Vitamin E levels can go up by eating mustard or almonds. Some of these are great snacks to chew on at your Canadian resume service cubicle or you can combine them to make a meal.

Of course those aren't the only brain foods out there. Those are just a few examples that we came up with. Other examples of brain foods that can help the way you feel or think include, cacao beans, wild salmon, Acai berries, brussel sprouts and sunflower seeds. Before you go out and start eating all of these foods, consult with your diet to come up with a healthy diet. You don't want to start eating something that might clash with your body or prescription medications, if you take any.

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